The Energy and Mineral Engineering (EME) program is a single graduate program with a focus on the production of energy and minerals in an economic, safe and efficient manner. The program provides flexible education of students in energy and mineral sciences and engineering, with focus on both non-renewable and renewable resource and energy industries. The program is designed to resolve the sometimes competing goals of flexible education of requisite breadth while still providing in-depth study; students are required to follow a focused curriculum that combines the requisite rigor with flexibility in a rapidly changing field of endeavor. Participating students take core program and required option courses and additional courses from a broad array of courses to meet the total credit requirements.
A graduate degree in energy and mineral engineering can provide you the fundamental knowledge and skills to enable you to creating safe, sustainable, and efficient solutions for using energy and minerals is a challenge in today's rapidly evolving energy and minerals industries. The program can prepare you for a career in academia or industry.
Both the M.S. and Ph.D. in energy and mineral engineering can be specialized by pursuing options in: