The 12-credit Justice, Ethics, Diversity in Space (JEDIS) certificate helps students to cultivate a diverse set of theoretical and methodological skills that geographers use to engage in a diverse and changing planet. Increasingly as students enter the workforce they will be challenged to not only interact with diverse populations, but will also have to understand the way diverse populations are impacted by a range of economic, political, and environmental challenges. They will also need to be exposed to ethical frameworks that can be productively leveraged within non-academic environments.
The discipline of geography draws from a range of perspectives including traditions in the natural and social sciences as well as humanities. Questions of justice, (in)equality, and diversity across space are core to what human and environment-society geographers study. The Justice, Ethics and Diversity In Space certificate specifically addresses how geographers approach questions concerning uneven power relations, inequalities, justice, social responsibility, and ethics across space and in place.
Successful performance in today's workforce requires sensitivity to human differences and the ability to relate to people from different cultural backgrounds. Students with justice, ethics, and diversity training learn critical thinking, research, and analytical skills that are highly valued by employers. They are well positioned to find employment with organizations spanning business, government, and nonprofit sectors.