The breadth of Penn State’s research expertise surpasses that of any university in the country, according to the latest National Science Foundation rankings of Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) research expenditures by key fields and subfields, released in November 2019.
Richard Alley, Evan Pugh University Professor of Geosciences, will discuss how human-caused global warming is affecting ice sheets and impacting coastal communities at the next EarthTalks seminar at 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24, in 112 Walker Building.
Aziza Baccouche, president and CEO of Aziza Productions, will give a talk titled “Seeking vision: The journey of a legally blind physicist and filmmaker,” at 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, in the Memorial Lounge of the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center on the University Park campus.
Gregory Jenkins was honored with the American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) Charles E. Anderson Award.
Penn State will be well positioned to recognize and interpret the social implications of artificial intelligence (AI), thanks to a new, multi-unit research center launched this spring.
Mary Frecker, professor of mechanical and biomedical engineering at Penn State, will lead the newly approved Center for Biodevices, a collaborative unit aimed at initiating and supporting research in the area and facilitating impactful collaborations among units including the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.
Twenty teams have been awarded $500 to pursue their ideas to use artificial intelligence for good in the 2020 Nittany AI Challenge.
Maram Ejaimi’s passion for engineering ignited in a way those dedicated to improving diversity in STEM fields love to hear.
Current carbon cycle models may underestimate the amount of carbon dioxide released from the soil during rainy seasons in temperate forests like those found in the northeast United States, according to Penn State researchers.
When Matthew Kumjian, associate professor of meteorology at Penn State, looks at radar observations, he drills down to the fundamentals of what each piece of the puzzle is telling him.