The purpose of this award is to enrich the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences by providing monies to support staff in the successful completion of educational and professional development courses.
All full-time EMS staff members who have been employed by the college for a minimum of one year and who have enrolled in educational or professional development courses will be considered eligible for this award.
Recipients will be selected by the Dean of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences or their designee, based on their application and recomendation of the Staff Advisory Committee.
The size of the fund and the number of applications submitted will determine the amount and value of the awards.
The award is for one academic year. Further accomplishments by a recipient may enable that recipient to be again considered for this award.
- Meets eligibility standards set forth in endowed guidelines.
- Has first approached work unit for support and have been denied. Reason for denial must be part of application. (Not to exclude application but to help prioritize applications).
- All employee tuition benefit options should be exhausted first before requesting support when course work involves tuition expense.
- Formal degree program(s): Support for each semester while working towards a degree and maintaining a passing grade.
- Non-formal degree program(s): Completion of HRDC, Continuing Education, and non-degree credit courses.
- Work units who don't support staff may not be overrepresented nor should work units who provide >unlimited= support be underrepresented. No bias.
- Reimbursable Course work - credited courses registered in support of degree requirements.
- Professional development courses which enrich personal growth and enhance ones knowledge and skills which benefit your job/position.
- Memo from Department Head in support of the request must accompany application for reimbursement.
- Memo must state the amount of funds provided by the department in support of this applicant.
- Why this individual is deserving of EMS Staff Centennial funds.
- How these courses support the development of the individual.
The EMS Staff Centennial Award fund was created with an initial principal of $10,000, and is now sustained by contributions from interested individuals and fund raising efforts by the SAC Committee.
If you are interested in support this worthy cause with a one time contribution or payroll deduction, please contact the EMS Office of Development and Alumni Relations.
Office of Development and Alumni Relations
512 Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub
123 S. Burrowes Street
State College, PA 16801
How to Apply
To be considered for the Centennial Award, please complete and submit the form below. Additionally, two letters are required:
- Department/Unit Leader Letter
Letter of support from the department/unit head must accompany the request for reimbursement. This letter should be in a sealed envelope and not be viewed by the staff member. Letter must describe the amount of support provided for this applicant (if any), why this individual is deserving of EMS Staff Centennial funds, and how these courses support the development of the individual. Please mail a sealed letter to:
John Barlett
Human Resources Strategic Partner, Dean's Office
510E Barron Innovation Hub
123 S. Burrowes St, University Park, PA 16801
814-867-5072 - Applicant Letter
Letter from the applicant requesting reimbursement explaining how the courses/training benefits your department and college. Please upload this letter using form below.
Submissions will be accepted at any time.
Please contact John Barlett at