The Department of Geosciences offers M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs that provide students with a broad background in any of the major areas of geological sciences and intensive research experiences culminating in the preparation of a formal thesis. The goal of the programs is to prepare students for scientific careers in academia, government, or industry. A wide range of faculty interests and exceptional laboratory and other support facilities provide an extensive variety of areas of specialization in which students may choose their course work and research topics, which include: aqueous geochemistry, chemistry and physics of rocks and mineral, geodynamics, global change and earth history, sedimentary geology and paleobiology, solid earth and applied geophysics, surficial processes.
The M.S. degree typically requires two years of study to complete and the Ph.D. (without an M.S.) about four years. Students entering with a B.S. or B.A. degrees may choose, with faculty approval, to bypass the M.S. degree and work directly for the Ph.D. Currently about a third of our students are in the M.S. program and two thirds are in the Ph.D program.
The goal of our programs is to prepare students for specific careers in academia, government, or industry. Students are encouraged to publish in the peer-reviewed literature as part of their dissertation research.