The Green Program - The Green Program (TGP) offers short-term study abroad opportunities that are centered around sustainability education and bucket-list experiences around the world. Summer opportunities to travel with TGP to Iceland and Peru are approved through PSU Global Programs. Students can earn PSU credit on these experiences and are eligible for scholarships through Global Penn State and The Green Program.
The Green Program – ICELAND, Summer Direct Enroll through Penn State Education Abroad - Open to any PSU student. In partnership with Reykjavik University's Iceland School of Energy graduate study programs, you will enroll in a 1.5 credit course and it will explore how Iceland is becoming a leader in renewable energy innovation. Participants will learn about how the country is utilizing innovative geothermal energy and hydro power technologies and cutting these to work in the circular economy, food production, carbon sequestration and capture, and renewable fuel production. Iceland is a top destination for awe inspiring adventure travel and ecotourism. Home to jaw-dropping natural landscapes and pristine topography, as well as authentic Nordic culture and welcoming atmosphere, Iceland is The GREEN Program's most popular destination for experiential sustainability education, bucket list adventuring, and unique cultural immersion.
The Green Program – PERU, Summer Direct Enroll through Penn State Education Abroad Open to any PSU student. By participating in the Green Program in Peru focusing on Water Resource Management & Sustainable Practices, you will discover the challenges, solutions, and processes for the management and distribution of water resources in Peru. You'll analyze the evolution of technology in the utilization of water from ancient periods to modern times, visit a World Wonder, go ziplining, and more! While in Peru, you will enroll in one 3-credit course during the summer term at the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (USIL).
You can learn more about Sustainability in Education Abroad at Penn State through their website.
Learn more about the GREEN Program